Ameriwest Business Consultants, Inc.
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A key ingredient in the success of any business is the development of an extensive set of financial projections. It can be critical for both a new OR existing business. The real substance of any successful business plan is the presentation of an extensive set of projections to back up the narrative portion of the business plan. Many people can assemble a business plan but are not comfortable developing their own projections. A good set of meaningful projections can often make the difference between obtaining your funding OR not.
For an existing business, an extensive set of financial projections can become a powerful management tool. Our consultants have over 35 years in banking and consulting experience and have worked with over 3,500 businesses of all kinds.
Our financial projections have been praised by clients, bankers, investors, management teams, attorneys, small business development companies and loan brokers as the best and most comprehensive they have ever seen.
Listed below are just some of the items that can be included with a set of financial projections developed by Ameriwest Business Consultants especially for your business:
Upon receiving your inquiry, we will email you a brief questionnaire to determine the level of assistance you will need. Within 24 hours, we will give you a firm quote and listing of various levels of assistance for our service and an itemization of what will be included in the financial projections we provide to you. As we develop your projections, we will send you a rough draft to review. Once we are both satisfied with the numbers, we will email you the completed report. This will be followed up with a custom CD containing the projections along with our custom software used to develop the projections. That way you can continuously update or change the numbers as conditions require.
The cost of this service will between $400 and $800 (with the average being about $600). We finish most projections in less than 48 hours from the time you provide us with requested information.
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using any of the following methods:
Fax: 719-380-7096 Telephone: 719-380-7096
Mailing Address: Ameriwest, P.O. Box 26266, Colorado Springs, Co. 80936
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