Ameriwest Business Consultants, Inc.
Software Comparisons
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The charts below allow you to quickly review the features of each program so that you may choose the one that best fits your needs. It is best to print this page for easier reading and for future reference. All of our software is easy-to-use and you do not need to be knowledgeable in accounting or financial statements to use them.
Program / Feature |
Business Start-Up Kit |
Business Plan Kit Template |
Financial Projections Template |
Loan Package Template |
Complete Financial Analysis |
Base Program Size |
2.8 MB |
.4 MB |
1.2 MB |
.8 MB |
2.0 MB |
Additional support material included (CD-ROM version) |
8.2 MB |
51.9MB |
2.55 MB |
1.11 MB |
11.0 MB |
Minimum Software Required |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Minimum Ram |
8 MB |
8 MB |
8 MB |
8 MB |
8 MB |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
Minimum Computer & Processor |
PC |
PC |
PC |
PC |
PC |
Description Most common uses. Purpose of the program. Who is it designed for? |
--Helps you determine if starting a new business
is right for you-gives you a start-up grade --Provides checklists and the structure to help explore the possibilities in an orderly manner --Don't try to start a new business without using this program first. It will help assure you address all of the important areas before you make the final decision to proceed with your plans --Designed to help those wanting to start a new business |
--Allows anyone to assemble a top notch business
plan in a format that lenders and investors like to see. --The program provides a 40-page business plan worksheet to guide in the accumulation of data needed to write your business plan. --Once the worksheet is completed, we provide 8-10 sample business plans for you to tailor yours after. You can call up the sample plan closest to your business type and begin cutting and pasting from the business plan worksheet into your new business plan |
--For a simple business plan, these projections
may be the only ones you will need --in less than 30 minutes you can have results that are meaningful and help explain why your idea for a new business makes good economic sense. --Designed for anyone needing only a limited set of financial projections in a format that investors and lenders like to see. This program is a lite version of our Complete Financial Analysis and should be sufficient for those that have to obtain minimal additional funding requirements --Designed more for new businesses, but can be used for existing ones |
--This program helps guide you through
assembling a loan request in a form that lenders like to see. It provides the
structure and even examples of how your loan package should look --The program allows you to give yourself a loan grade just like the bankers will. If weaknesses show up, you may make adjustments to your loan request that could make a difference whether or not you get your loan. --It is like having a banker on your side to pre-screen your loan request and make sure it is in the proper form --Can be used for both new and existing businesses |
--This program allows you to generate up to 35
different financial schedules in a format that investors and lenders like to see in less
30 minutes. You can re-run the numbers until you get the results you are satisfied
with. |
Number of Worksheets |
28 |
26 |
21 |
14 |
28 |
Number of Schedules, charts, tables |
28 |
26 |
23 |
14 |
35 |
Demo |
Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Possible |
over 200 |
N/A |
Over 1,000 |
Nearly 100 |
Over 12,000 |
Media Available |
Diskette, CD-ROM |
Diskette, CD-ROM |
Diskette, CD-ROM |
Diskette, CD-ROM |
Diskette, CD-ROM |
Price |
$30 |
$35 |
$40 |
$35 |
$90 |
NOTE: Classic Series software works well
with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME. Excel
for Windows 97 and Word for Windows 97 or higher are required.
BRONZE PACKAGE: Combines our Classic Business
Start-Up Kit, Business Plan Kit, Loan Package Template and Financial Projections Template
on one CD-ROM for only $85.00 (a savings of 48% over ordering them
PACKAGE: Combines all five of the above
programs on one CD-ROM for a greatly reduced price of $150.00 (more than a 46% savings over
ordering them individually). In addition, we include our Loan Grading Plus
AND Personal Financial Analyzer programs at no additional charge.
Program / Feature |
Business Quest 2002 |
Financial Analyzer |
The Bottom Line |
Complete Business 101 |
Business Consultant Pro |
Base Program Size |
4.6 MB |
5.1 MB |
2.1 MB | 5.5 MB |
6.5 MB+ |
Additional support material included |
Over 30 MB |
Over 51 MB |
Over 10 MB | Over 80 MB |
Over 100 MB |
Minimum Software Required |
Excel/Word 2000 |
2000 |
2000 Windows 95 |
2000 |
2000 |
Minimum Ram |
16 MB |
16 MB |
16 MB | 32 MB |
32 MB |
Required |
Required |
Required | Required |
Required |
Minimum Computer & Processor |
PC |
PC |
PC Pentium or AMD 150+ MHz |
PC |
PC |
Description Most common uses. Purpose of the program.
Who is it designed for? |
--Combines, updates and enhances our Classic business start-up kit, business
plan kit and financial projections template into one new tightly integrated program --Provides sample business plans --Directs accumulation of all necessary data to analyze a new business start-up. Allows generation of an excellent set of financial projections --helps create an impressive business plan that investors and lenders will rave about --Designed primarily for new business hopefuls who do not need the extensive financial projections contained in Complete Business 101 --Works well with Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000 |
version of our Classic Complete Financial Analysis. More
than double the size. It adds dozens of new worksheets, schedules, tables and charts and
hundreds of new macros, pop-up help tips,
thousands of additional calculations and a host of other new
features --It is excellent for creating comprehensive projections for a new business. It can prepare an extensive analysis of an existing business. Can enter 1 or more years of actual data and complete projections for the balance of up to five years. --Designed for business consultants, bankers, credit analysts, accountants, business managers, controllers, small business development companies and others in small or medium businesses or those who help them. --It is an outstanding analytical tool for both new and existing businesses. Works well with Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000 |
If all you need to do is the
analysis of an existing business, then this may be the software for you. In just
minutes you can complete an extensive analysis of an business. It contains separate
version for monthly (up to 12 months) and annual (up to ten periods). --It is smaller and quicker than our other programs because all it does is analysis--but it does it great. --It works fine with Windows 95, 98, ME, and 2000. |
updates and enhances our Classic business start-up kit, business plan kit, Loan Package
Kit, adds our new Business Quest 2001 along with our new Financial Analyzer software into
one tightly integrated program. This program
is a complete business solution for an individual. --Allows you to determine if you should start a new business or expand an existing one --directs development of an extensive set of financial projections --Allow in depth analysis of an existing business --Permits the assembly of a top notch business plan --Allows assembly of a loan request package in the form lenders like to see --Designed for new business start-ups or for expansion of an existing business. --It is similar to Business Consultant Pro but more geared to individuals than for consultants or business advisors |
all eight of our other programs combined into a sleek new interface to take full advantage
of the computing power of Office for Windows 2000. This
comprehensive program can do it all for the financial professional from the very first
time the client walks through your door until they receive their funding and open their
doors for business.. --It WILL save you time and increase the quality of aid to your client. The results will amaze you and your client and increase your productivity many times over. Numerous consulting companies and banks use this program as an important tool for their practice --Allow anyone to do a complete financial analysis along with generating forecasts for some of the years while using actual numbers for others. --Allows business managers or advisors to help determine feasibility of a project, accumulate data, assemble comprehensive financial projections, write a top-notch business plan and prepare a winning loan request package. --This highly integrated program may be the only software --The program allows you to zero in on deficiencies and make reasonable suggestions for improving an existing business or the plans for a new one. --It is the best program we have seen in the market place for under $2,000. --The program was specifically designed for business professionals- (business consultants, accountants, business managers, controllers, bankers, small business development companies and others in small or medium businesses or those who help them), even if they do not have extensive financial or computer backgrounds. It walks you through the entire process from the time the client first walks through your door until they are ready to open for business. Can be used both for new or existing businesses. This program WILL change the way you do business by increasing your productivity and by enhancing your output for your customers or clients. |
Number of Worksheets and Word documents |
over 40 |
Over 50 |
over 30 | Over 75 |
Nearly 110 |
Number of Schedules, charts, tables |
over 50 |
Over 70 |
nearly 80 | Over 100 |
Over 140 |
Demo Included |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Yes |
Possible |
Over 15,000 |
Over 48,000 |
0ver 15,000 | Over 50,000 |
Nearly 70,000 |
Media Available |
CD-ROM Only |
CD-ROM Only |
CD-ROM only | CD-ROM Only |
CD-ROM Only |
Price |
$125 |
$150 |
$100 | $225 |
$250 |
For $200.00 you may also purchase Financial Analyzer Deluxe Version. It contains the same great features as the regular version. However we have added over 30 MB of bonus files to make your job easier and increase your productivity. It includes separately the The Bottom Line Template (Both Annual and monthly versions), Loan Grading Plus, Personal Financial Analyzer, a custom Access database order system, a personal financial statement worksheet and specialized financial calculators. These bonus files would sell individually for over $150.00 themselves.
For $350.00
you may
also purchase Business Consultant Pro Deluxe Version.
It contains the same great features as the regular version. However we have added over 50 MB of bonus files to
make your job easier and increase your productivity.
It includes separately the Loan Grading Plus, Personal Financial
Analyzer, The Bottom Line Template (Both Annual and monthly
versions), Financial Projections Template, Complete Financial Analysis and Financial
Analyzer-described above, which you can use if you just need to do a simple financial
analysis or financial projections. These
bonus files would sell individually for over $250.00 themselves.
All of our software was designed so that it contains everything you need to operate them. In other words, there is no need to pour over manuals or complicated instructions. Within minutes after viewing short demos, that are included, you can be up and running the program.
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